Ab initio analysis of the optoelectronic properties of single perovskites CsPbX3 with (X=Br, I)

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  • Korichi Hamiche BP227 Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University
  • Yamina Sefir BP227 Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University
  • Ali Zitouni BP227 Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University
  • Sabria Terkhi BP227 Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University


Perovskites, Wien2k, Semiconductor, Structband, Optoelectronics, Solar Cell, Imagery


In this comparative study between two simple perovskites, we focus on the study of the optoelectronic characteristics of CsPbX3(X=Br, I) which allows a view in their applications in Led, Solar cell and for Imagery applications too. Using the FPLAPW method implemented in the wien2k code give us the electronic and optical characteristics of the simples perovskites CsPbI3 and CsPbBr3, this by calculating the states of bands struct and density of state. Comparison between results of characteristics for this two simple perovskites will allow, through their gap, to show the development of the yield of singljonction solar cell. Allowing to observe the valence, conduction bands and to note the gap of CsPbI3, CsPbBr3 essential factor for thin films of solar cell. Also using a FP-LAPW method implemented in the wien2k code give us optical characteristics of the simple perovskites CsPbI3 and CsPbBr3. the study of optical properties and indices together with the results of electronic properties, in particular gap, permits through absorption, reflectivity and conduction characteristics to determine the different applications of these two materials whether in imagery or the solar cell fields.


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Author Biographies

Korichi Hamiche, BP227 Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University

Laboratory of Technology and of Solids Properties, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, 27000 Mostaganem, Algeria

Yamina Sefir, BP227 Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University

Laboratory of Technology and of Solids Properties, Faculty of Sciences and Technology,27000 Mostaganem, Algeria

Ali Zitouni, BP227 Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University

Laboratory of Technology and of Solids Properties, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, 27000 Mostaganem, Algeria

Sabria Terkhi, BP227 Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University

Laboratory of Technology and of Solids Properties, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, 27000 Mostaganem, Algeria


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How to Cite

Hamiche, K., Sefir, Y., Zitouni, A., & Terkhi, S. (2024). Ab initio analysis of the optoelectronic properties of single perovskites CsPbX3 with (X=Br, I) . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 63–71. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/2264


