A Brief Review of Forensic Entomological Process and Terminology

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  • Aysel Kekillioğlu Nevşehir HBV Uni


Entomology, Ecology, Forensıc Sciences, Terminology, PMI


Forensic entomology is the branch of science in which insect and Arthropoda taxa are used in criminal and legal cases. Today, it is a new discipline that used in forensic and crime scene investigations for especially corroborating witnesses used in cases where classical methods cannot be used. The most basic reason for using ınsects in criminal investigations is that they are one of the living species that detect and find the body in the shortest time, and that they exist in every stage of decomposition as some insect species are specific to certain environments and living spaces. In crime scene investigations, information on the distribution, biology and behavior of insects is used to find out when, how and where death occurred. Insects that feed on the body are considered part of the evidence of the crime as physical evidence, such as blood, hair, fingerprints and other biological materials As a result, the main purpose and content of this study is to examine and evaluate the terminological concepts and processes of the discipline of forensic entomology, which is considered new in our country, in short frames.


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Author Biography

Aysel Kekillioğlu, Nevşehir HBV Uni

Biology Dept., Turkey


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How to Cite

Kekillioğlu, A. (2024). A Brief Review of Forensic Entomological Process and Terminology . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(11), 611–619. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/2330


