Investigation The Relationship Between Science and Social Sciences
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Interdisciplinary research, Philosophy, social science, natural sciences, comparisonAbstract
Philosophy offers the natural and social sciences essential principles for theoretical thinking, a
method of understanding and perspective, and self-awareness, all of which are crucial for acquiring
knowledge about reality. Although science and social science were initially considered a unified field
during the early stages of scientific discovery, they were later separated into two distinct disciplines.
These two branches of science, each of which has become a separate discipline today, had been initially
included within philosophy. In this study, the intersection points of these two sciences and the reasons for
their separation will be examined. The relationship between the natural sciences and the social sciences is
both intricate and profound, bridging two distinct domains of knowledge while sharing common goals of
understanding and explaining phenomena. While natural sciences primarily seek to explain the workings
of the physical world, social sciences focus on understanding human behaviour, societies, and social
systems. In addition, this study; explores the distinctions and intersections between these two fields,
examining how they complement each other, the challenges they face in integration, and the
interdisciplinary approaches that enable a deeper understanding of complex issues and emphasizes the
importance of an integrated approach to solving real-world problems by highlighting specific examples of
collaboration and interaction.
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