A Study on Reinforcing Sand Concrete with Sisal Fibres for Sustainable Building Solutions

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  • Oday Jaradat University of Biskra
  • Karima Gadri University of Biskra
  • Asal Sirhan Al-Quds University
  • Mahmoud Shakarna Palestine Ahliya University
  • Mohammed Khattab University of Biskra
  • Hisham Suleiman University of August 20
  • Abdelhamid Guettala University of Biskra


Sand Concrete, Workability, Flexural Strength, Compressive Strength And Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity


This experimental study explores the impact of incorporating sisal fibers into sand concrete (SC) at varying ratios (0.05%, 0.10%, and 0.15%). Comprehensive tests were conducted on each sample to assess workability, flexural strength, compressive strength, and ultrasonic pulse velocity. The findings reveal a noteworthy enhancement in flexural strength with the addition of sisal fibers, highlighting a substantial improvement in this crucial property. However, it is observed that the inclusion of sisal fibers poses challenges to certain aspects of concrete composites. Despite potential obstacles, the significant improvement in flexural strength opens new avenues for the utilization of sisal-fiber-reinforced sand concrete in diverse building and construction applications. This study provides valuable insights into optimizing the incorporation of sisal fibers, contributing to advancements in the development of high performance and sustainable construction materials.


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Author Biographies

Oday Jaradat, University of Biskra

Laboratory of research in civil engineering, Algeria

Karima Gadri, University of Biskra

Laboratory of research in civil engineering, Algeria

Asal Sirhan, Al-Quds University

Faculty of Engineering, Palestine

Mahmoud Shakarna, Palestine Ahliya University

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Palestine

Mohammed Khattab, University of Biskra

Laboratory of research in civil engineering, Algeria

Hisham Suleiman, University of August 20

Civil Engineering Department, 1955, Skikda, Algeria

Abdelhamid Guettala, University of Biskra

Laboratory of research in civil engineering, Algeria


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How to Cite

Jaradat, O., Gadri, K., Sirhan, A., Shakarna, M., Khattab, M., Suleiman, H., & Guettala, A. (2025). A Study on Reinforcing Sand Concrete with Sisal Fibres for Sustainable Building Solutions . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(11), 27–32. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/2377


