Measuring Innovation Capability on National Level: Challenges and Solutions

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  • Laman Gasimzade University of Miskolc


Innovation Capability, National Level, Measuring, R&D, Human Capital, Infrastructure, Challenges, Solutions


This paper examines the challenges of measuring national innovation capability, focusing on infrastructure, human capital, and research and development (R&D). While infrastructure supports innovation, assessing human capital is difficult due to its intangible nature, and R&D's impact is hard to quantify. Current indices like the Global Innovation Index fail to capture the full complexity of innovation capability. A key challenge is the lack of research on the conditions that foster innovation, as well as the influence of cultural differences. The paper proposes a more nuanced approach to measurement, combining quantitative and qualitative data to address these complexities and offer practical solutions for improving innovation measurement and policy.


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Author Biography

Laman Gasimzade, University of Miskolc

Hantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional Sciences, H-3515, Miskolc. Egyetemvaros, Hungary


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How to Cite

Gasimzade, L. (2025). Measuring Innovation Capability on National Level: Challenges and Solutions . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 9(1), 10–18. Retrieved from


