Capacity Calculator in Recycling of Scrap/Waste Paper and Dough/Cellulose Production

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  • Zehra Gülten Yalçın Çankırı Karatekin University
  • Mustafa Dağ Çankırı Karatekin University
  • Ercan Aydoğmuş Fırat University



Waste Paper, Pulp, Cellulose Production, Capacity Calculation


In this study, scrap/waste paper, which is the main raw material of the paper industry, is provided for pulp/cellulose production from scrap/waste paper, which is the raw material of the paper industry. These wastes are sent to the pulp preparation unit and passed through pulping, cleaning and, if necessary, deinking and bleaching and/or fractionation, as a result of opening and grinding processes, depending on the type of paper cardboard to be produced. After that, the paper-cardboard is sent to the paper machine pre-preparation unit to be produced. There is a continuously operating fluting/test-liner paper machine in the facility that performs this process. In the pre-preparation unit of the paper machine, the pulp is fed to the paper machine by passing through the final preparation processes, processes in which the necessary additives and fillers are added and the dry matter is adjusted, depending on the type and weight of the paper to be produced. While calculating the capacity of the paper production plant, the amount/weight of the buffer (large, finished paper roll) produced in the unit time (minute, hour, day, etc.) at the exit of the paper machine goods winder unit is taken as a basis. Capacity calculation in the existing facility is calculated as 350 days and 24 hours. The annual production capacity has been determined as 42,350,000 tons/year of paper. There is no white paper production in the annual production at the facility. Production is made only as yellow paper. 25-30 grams of biocides and polymers are used to destroy bacteria as necessary materials in production. Salt and corrosion inhibitor calculations are made for various paper and boiler chemicals. Besides, in the existing treatment plant, FeCl3 is used as 0.15 wt.% in the production of 1 ton of paper per year.


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Author Biographies

Zehra Gülten Yalçın, Çankırı Karatekin University

Department of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Çankırı, Türkiye

Mustafa Dağ, Çankırı Karatekin University

Department of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Çankırı, Türkiye

Ercan Aydoğmuş, Fırat University

Department of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Elazığ, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Yalçın, Z. G., Dağ, M., & Aydoğmuş, E. (2023). Capacity Calculator in Recycling of Scrap/Waste Paper and Dough/Cellulose Production. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(3), 52–57.


