Moving towards Reliable and Fault-Tolerant Smart Grid Systems

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  • A. Ahmad Sultan Qaboos University
  • P. Lavanya Sultan Qaboos University
  • A. Elhaffar Sultan Qaboos University



Reliable, Fault-tolerant, Testable, Smart Grids, Dependability of Smart Grids, FPGA


Smart Grid is significantly being initiated in all fields due to their extensive use of IT, monitoring, protection, and automation control. Safety, integrity,  privacy and dependability of data with long-term sustainability using green sources of energy. Ensuring perfection in their implementation is a herculean task amidst varying environments. This paper sketches and highlights about the scope of implementing reliable, secure, error-controlled fault-tolerant techniques in Electric Grid-systems. Thus, the paper talks about the sub-units of Smart Grid systems. The discussions on opportunities due to nanotechnology and incorporation of FPGAs are part of this paper. Hence, the design of this paper is well thought-out as the critical focal junction in enhancing the future in design of Smart Grid systems.


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Author Biographies

A. Ahmad, Sultan Qaboos University

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Oman

P. Lavanya, Sultan Qaboos University

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Oman

A. Elhaffar, Sultan Qaboos University

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Oman


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How to Cite

Ahmad, A., Lavanya, P., & Elhaffar, A. (2023). Moving towards Reliable and Fault-Tolerant Smart Grid Systems. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(4), 82–88.


