Examination of technologies that can be used for the development of an identity verification application

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  • Dávid Fekete OmegaCode Hungary Software Development Ltd., Hungary
  • Pál Bárkányi Department of Informatics, Milton Friedman University, Hungary




Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Comparison of Models, Identity Verification, Document Integrity


Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly significant in online education, image processing, identity verification, and document integrity checking. We designed an approach for identifying the optimal method and tools for speeding and improving AI-assisted image processing. This paper compares appropriate, practical concepts to help you choose. Our article studies various AI models to recognise data by processing various photos, enhancing accuracy, minimising administrative time, and decreasing the likelihood of misreading and mistyping. In our paper, we presented character recognition and face identification based on deep learning through processing a personal identification document. We divided the process into parts, taught different artificial intelligence models, produced the data necessary for teaching, and then integrated it into our developed environment. The completed software, which can be adapted to any system in the form of an application, uses the image on the ID card and the device's camera to determine whether the application is being used by the person authorised to administer it and can optionally match the signature on the ID card with a digital sample requested by the application from its user.


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How to Cite

Fekete, D., & Bárkányi, P. (2023). Examination of technologies that can be used for the development of an identity verification application. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(5), 25–32. https://doi.org/10.59287/ijanser.896