Sustainability Assessment of Quality 4.0 Tools in Telecom Industry

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  • Qasim Habib Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan
  • Hafiz Muhammad Khurram Ali Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan
  • Syed Muhammad Owais Department of Telecommunication Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan



Quality 4.0, Telecommunication 4.0, Sustainability, MCDM, Telecom Industr


The fourth industrial revolution, also commonly known as Industry 4.0, has brought about significant advancements in areas such as connection, mobility, analytics, scalability, and data, which have resulted in a complete transformation of the service and manufacturing industry. Quality 4.0 is an approach that integrates technology and data into quality management systems while also retaining traditional methods. This approach enhances value by facilitating modifications through culture, leadership, and collaboration. This paper aims to evaluate the sustainability and effectiveness of Quality 4.0 tools in the telecom industry by utilizing advanced Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) techniques. The study seeks to analyze the impact of Quality 4.0 tools on both the quality management system and the overall sustainability of a telecom company through a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The study has identified four crucial parameters of sustainability that significantly impact the sustainability evaluation of Quality 4.0 tools. It is focused on the telecom industry, specifically within the quality department, and identifies three potential tools for Quality 4.0 that are considered alternatives within the MCDM method. To effectively evaluate the effectiveness of these tools, the study utilizes the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques of MCDM. The results of this study provide a comprehensive overall ranking of the alternative tools, while a sensitivity analysis based on sustainability criteria demonstrates that the ranking of the alternatives can change based on specific sustainability factors. This groundbreaking research sheds invaluable light on the sustainability and effectiveness of Quality 4.0 hybrid tools in the telecom industry, providing valuable insights and practical recommendations for organizations considering their adoption.


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How to Cite

Habib, Q., Ali, H. M. K., & Owais, S. M. (2023). Sustainability Assessment of Quality 4.0 Tools in Telecom Industry. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(5), 100–104.